Finbot is becoming a Coach in the Finax app!
We believe that thanks to several improvements to Finbot over the past year, you have been managing your money effortlessly. This time, we have an even bigger update for you! Finbot is becoming a Financial coach and will soon be a fully integrated part of the Finax app.
Ján Tonka | Personal finance | 9. August 2024

The merger of the applications will allow us to respond more quickly to our clients' needs and accelerate the development of new features. The integration of Finbot and Finax will take place on August 20, 2024. From this date, you will find all Finbot features directly in your Finax app.
Do you already have a Finax account? Please unify your e-mail
Finbot is an application by Finax, an innovator in investing in Central Europe. Licensed by the National Bank of Slovakia, Finax brings fairness to the world of finance and helps people build a financially secure life without stress. The mission of Finax is to guide people on their financial journey through fair, simple, and innovative solutions.
We greatly appreciate that more than half of Finbot users today are investing their savings with Finax. If you already have a Finax account but use a different e-mail address for logging into Finbot, please change it in Finbot Settings. With the same e-mail address, we can accurately identify Finbot users whose data will be automatically transferred from Finbot to the Finax app on August 20, 2024.
Don't have a Finax account yet? Create one for free and continue using Finbot
To transfer your data from Finbot to the Finax app, you need to create an investment account with Finax by August 19, 2024 with any goal, such as investing for retirement or creating an emergency fund. However, you don't need to invest regularly to continue using Finbot/Coach.
By registering with Finax, you won’t have to reconnect bank accounts, create budgets, set categorization rules, or re-enter asset and liability information after the app merger. All data from your Finbot account will automatically transfer to the Finax app. Download the Finax app and register. It's simple and takes only a few minutes:
Download for Android Download for iOS
In the new version of the Finax app, in addition to the Coach, you will find an improved financial analysis section that will give you an even better overview of your income and expenses. Soon, we will bring you an updated net worth section and many other features. The Finbot app itself will be discontinued, and starting August 20, 2024, you will no longer be able to log in to it.
Thank you for your continued support and trust. We are convinced that this change will make managing your personal finances and building wealth even easier!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at